There are not many books out there that where I didn't hate something about either of the characters and this is one of them. Tiger was protective and dominate and adorably naive about certain things (like kissing) I loved it! He was perfection wrapped up a delicious male body. I knew I was going to love him from the moment he was introduced in the last book. And his mate Carly is perfect for him. She is one of my favorite females from this series... actually right now I can't think of one I like more. She stood up for him when anyone talk badly about him. She was going to leave her whole life behind in order to run away with him. Honestly I could go on because she was a woman of worth. I think that term is from a different shifter series Im reading but it applies.
I feel like I was waiting the whole book for Carly to piss me off and hurt Tiger and she didn't. Not once did she hurt him. and for that I love her and I LOVE Jennifer Ashley for that. Because I don't think I could have gotten over it because of Tiger's past. That shifter deserves the end that he got! I loved this book. Seriously, loved it.
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