My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am so upset.. not because the book wasn't fantastic because it was but because I thought this was the last book in the series.. and it's not.
I could not put this book down. Everyone in my house is mad at me. I only told my 1 month old that she was the prettiest girl in the world 102 times instead of 103 and she is pissed . My husband got a turkey sandwich for dinner and a wife who ignored his every attempt at conversation (although he is pretty much use to this when I have a book to read). My dogs look at me like I betrayed them because I didn't give them treats yesterday and I don't care!
This book started exactly where the last one left off. Do you remember that? Mare being an idiot? or I guess heroic but whatever. She turned herself over to Maven and he puts a collar on her on camera. So about half the book is about Mare's time being Maven's prisoner. Mare is put in a nice bedroom with warm food and water but she is stripped of her lightening. Which leaves an empty hole inside her. She is also not allowed to leave the bedroom unless Maven requests it. Maven becomes more and more obsessed with her the longer she is with him. It's creepy and sweet.. yes I said sweet. I like Maven I always have. I am now and will always be Team Maven. I always root for the bad guys though. We find out a whole lot more about him in this book. We find out a lot of the twisted things his mother did to him and why his mind is so completely screwed up.
The second half of the book is about the scarlet guard. There are new alliances and a lot of different new bloods. Cal is there and he is perfect as usual. I don't think Mare needs perfect. She doesn't need someone to coddle her. I mean she doesn't need someone to torture her either but we will see what Aveyard has for us in the next book.
I feel like it has been so long since I read the first 2 books that I forgot how entertaining they are. I love how unpredictable this series is. I feel like every other chapter I think "well that was unexpected".. ok more realistically I thought "WTF". Most book I read I can guess at least some part of it but I can't with these. Absolutely a fantastic book and I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book.
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