My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I have mixed feelings about this book. I absolutely loved the world building and I loved, LOVED Kael(the dragon) but I HATED Claudia. She was the worst. She ran into situations with out thinking. I understand that she had a sister to worry about.. but she freaking ratted out her dragon. WHY? why did she do this?? She told the mayor (the guy who made her dragon bate, kidnapped her sister, had men shoot bullets at her) all the secrets of the dragons. She told him everything. My mind was blown. I just wanted to punch her in her stupid face. The dragon did all the things for her. Literally the guy did everything to make her happy and when she said no, he backed off immediately, no matter how far they already were into sexual activities. I don't know a lot of human men that are able to do that and the dragon.. the enemy.. does it without pause.
I was just frustrated by Claudia the whole book. I understand that you can't just give yourself away to a dragon but when that dragon does so much for you and makes you feel safe.. why wouldn't you let him continue to do those things?? And Kael was so damn sweet. I loved him so much.
I'll be reading the next book for sure. Hopefully Sasha isn't as bad as Claudia!
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