My rating: 0 of 5 stars
I have pushed this book off for about a year. I started it awhile ago and I didn't like the narrator for the audiobook. Her Scottish accent is off.. or I dunno it just bothered me. But I started it today randomly and it was really good.
I didn't enjoy this one as much as I did the first book but I still enjoyed it. I got sucked into the story to the point that I didn't even notice the narrators voice. I had Jo pegged all wrong and I honestly feel bad about that because I hated her in the last book. Like seriously hated her and it turns out she is this totally amazing person, who just went about dating and finding a secure life the wrong way. Who hasn't made those kinds of mistakes?.. Well I've never dated someone because they had money but you get my drift. Plus she actually cared for Malcolm.. she wasn't just using him and she never asked for money so that changed my opinion of her completely.
Cam was totally lovable. He was sweet, charming, and he really took an interest in Jo and Cole! He was so amazing with Cole and that was just adorable. I think it would be hard to take on a 14 year old but Cole does it perfectly. The whole think with Blair kinda pissed me off. It's cool if you are friends with your ex as long as you freaking tell your current GF that you are and especially if they come over in the middle of the night. I hated Jo's inner struggle thinking that it was just her insecurities. I feel like she was completely justified in her jealousy. Damn the guy was once in love with the girl and he freaking texted her while he was at lunch with Jo, after they hadn't seen each other in days and he just saw Blair the night before.. So I kinda hated that part of the book. It made me think less of Cam for not communicating with Jo a little better. He wasn't doing anything wrong and everything else he did was basically perfect so I still love him.
There was a whole freaking shit ton of drama. Jo's life has not been easy. She's had to deal with an abusive father, a drunk mother, and she's been taking care of her brother. So naturally there is a lot of drama. It was almost overwhelming. If it wasn't for the hot sex and Cam being just a babe, I probably couldn't have liked the book as much. OH and Joss and Braden were kinda awesome too. :)
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