My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Why do I keep reading Kristen Ashley books? Sigh I know the answer to that is the Fantasyland series. It's one of my absolute favorite series of all time and I have honestly like most of the Rock Chick books.. Well I know I have liked a couple of them. But after reading Sweet Dreams this week and absolutely hated it, I thought I would go back to her Rock Chick series. They are pretty good most of the time and I was really sad about the Sweet Dreams book... but I did not like this book at all.
I hate Mace. Abso freaking lutely HATE him. He is by far the worst hot bunch guy. I know that all the men are controlling and in all the books the men come in and take over the Rock Chick's lives but Mace took it too far. Stella was shot, she tried to tell him and he ignored her. So when he finally finds out HE is mad at HER! It's on her leg so instead of asking her to look at it he ties her hands and pulls down her pants. This is the beginning of the book... the first time he sees her. Well I mean they know each other because they dated awhile back but it's the first time in this book that he has seen her... Oh and after that he moves into her house with out permission.. Let's see what else drove me crazy.. He wouldn't let her talk to anyone on the phone, he wouldn't let her talk to her band mates, he bruised her(on "accident" when he was mad), everything that went wrong in their relationship in the past was her fault, and I'm sure I'm missing more but thats enough.
I wasn't a huge fan of Stella's either but I don't have specific reasons for her. She just didn't click with me. ]
While I think it's cool that there was a 5 year in the future epilogue, it kind of gave away the next couple books. I mean obviously we know that the rock chicks will end up with someone but I dunno. I don't need to know that they will have babies before I have even read their stories. It just seemed kind of random. It's defiantly something that would be awesome after the last book.
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