A Torch Against the Night by
Sabaa Tahir
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Hmmm.. uhhh... my opinion is not quite the same as everybody else. I loved the first book, like I
LOVED it and I have had this book since the day it came out but I kept putting it off because I was terrified it was going to let me down.. and it did just a little bit. I have a horrible habit of putting too much pressure on sequels.
This book was kind of boring. I mean a lot of things happen but then there are parts where nothing is happening or when the POV switches and it goes back a couple weeks. So the story goes backwards and I just didn't like that at all. Also I HATED Laia. She made horrible, horrible decisions. Like all of them were bad and really with the Keenan thing. Its hard to talk about with out giving things away but just REALLY?! She is strong in this book. She is less afraid but still not really that smart. Although her biggest mistake nobody saw coming so ehh.
Elias I love. I loved him in the first book and I love him more now. He is pretty much perfection. I know he wanted away from the empire but he put himself in danger and put his family in danger for Laia when really he didn't have to. He is selfless, brave, strong, brilliant, sweet, courageous, and about a million other amazing things. If at the end of the series he ends up with Laia, no part of her will deserve him. The one good thing I will say about them together is that they don't lie to each other or keep things from each other. That is a HUGE pet peeve of mine when it comes to romances. They are upfront about what they are going through when it would have been easier to lie.
In the last book I know I was all for Elias and Laia. So I hated Helene and I kind of hated her for the first part of this book as well. To be honest I still go back and forth on liking her. She had impossible choices to make and in the end she pays dearly for them. I can not freaking wait to see what she does in the next book. She's going to kick some major ass. I also hope that she ends up with Harper. I want to know so much more about him.
So besides the characters, a lot happens in this book. But it's hard to talk about with out giving stuff away. There's a lot of killing and a lot of running and hiding. idk. The writing is magically fantastic. It is written beautifully and even the boring parts are interesting... that makes no sense but in my head it does. It was still a great book just not as great as the first.
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